Dr. med. Julien Niederhäuser
Médecin agréé en neurologie
Directeur de l'unité neurovasculaire
Recent Publications
- Prähospitalphase beim akuten Hirnschlag (Swiss Medical Forum 2021;21(19–20):322–328)
- Swiss guidelines for the prehospital phase in suspected acute stroke (Clinical & Translational Neuroscience, January-June 2021: 1-8)
- Phase préhospitalière en cas d’accident vasculaire cérébral aigu (Swiss Medical Forum 2021;21(19–20):322–328)
Activities and Aims:
- Developing Guidelines: Establish evidence-based guidelines and protocols for the prehospital management of stroke, including triage, rapid assessment, and transportation to specialized stroke centers. The existing published Swiss guidelines are still up to date, but we must remain vigilant.
- Improving Coordination: Enhance coordination between emergency medical services (EMS), stroke centers/units, and other healthcare providers to ensure seamless and timely patient care from symptom onset to hospital admission.
- Training and Education: Provide specialized training and continuing education for prehospital care providers, such as paramedics and emergency responders, to improve stroke recognition, treatment, and decision-making in the field.
- Promoting Public Awareness: Advocate for increased public awareness campaigns on recognizing stroke symptoms and the importance of early intervention, emphasizing the role of bystanders in the prehospital phase.
- Research and Data Collection: Conduct research studies and gather data on prehospital stroke care practices, outcomes, and response times to identify areas for improvement and establish best practices.
- Quality Improvement: Develop quality improvement initiatives aimed at reducing time to treatment and optimizing prehospital care pathways for stroke patients.
- Collaborating with Stakeholders: Foster collaboration with various stakeholders, including EMS services, hospitals, public health organizations, and policymakers, to align efforts in improving prehospital stroke care.
Members of the working group
- Chair: Julien Niederhäuser
- Patrick Arni, Vereinigung Rettungssanitäter Schweiz
- Christophe Bonvin
- Emmanuel Carrera
- Carlo Cereda
- Gian Marco De Marchis
- Joachim Fladt
- Andreas Luft
- Thomas Meinel
- Susanne Renaud
- David Schurter